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Bidens Sorten

The Bidens: A Showy Addition to Any Balcony

Beautiful Blooms in Shades of Yellow and Orange

Bidens, commonly known as "beggarticks" or "Spanish needles," are a genus of flowering plants that are prized for their cheerful, daisy-like blooms. With their vibrant yellow or orange petals, these plants add a burst of color to balconies, patios, and gardens alike.

Versatile and Easy-to-Grow

Bidens are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for beginner gardeners and busy individuals. They thrive in full sun to partial shade and prefer well-drained soil. Water regularly, especially during hot, dry periods.

These plants are also known for their long blooming period, which can last from summer to fall. With proper care, they will continue to produce an abundance of flowers throughout the season.

Compact and Trailing Varieties

Bidens come in a range of sizes and habits. Compact varieties, such as 'Campfire' and 'Golden Eye,' are perfect for small spaces or hanging baskets. Trailing varieties, like 'Barcelona' and 'Red Jewel,' can cascade over the sides of planters or pots, creating a stunning visual effect.

Whether you choose compact or trailing varieties, Bidens are sure to add a touch of beauty and cheer to your outdoor living area.
